Sep 25, 2018
Welcome to Thermonuclear Takes, our roundup of all the news in
science and technology that’s been fascinating me lately. Some of
it will relate to things that we’ve discussed on the show before;
some of it will relate to things that we’ll discuss in the future –
and some will be just plain interesting.
Sep 20, 2018
Everything is made up of fundamental particles. You have the leptons: that’s the electron, muon, tau, and their ghostly neutrinos that help us to conserve momentum. You have the quarks, which make up all of the hadrons. The up, down, and strange quarks: and their heavier cousins, the top, bottom, and charm...
Sep 14, 2018
Quarks, hadrons, baryons, leptons - we explore the material
particles, ponder the question of why the electron has two heavier
cousins, and describe the snark of Wolfgang Pauli in this - our
second episode in a series explaining fundamental subatomic and
atomic physics, and the Standard Model.
Can you tell your quarks...
Sep 12, 2018
A triple helping of our sister podcast, as we follow Stalin's career from the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact to the Battle of Stalingrad.
Sep 7, 2018
Can you tell your quarks from your elbow? If not, never fear, because these episodes will be your guide to particle physics, and, specifically, what’s called the Standard Model. Has absolutely nothing to do with the catwalk, but instead the fundamental building blocks that make up all of visible matter and energy...