Jun 30, 2020
In this episode, we discuss the progress that has been made
towards directly detecting Dark Matter in the form of WIMPs, and
the recent anomalies observed at the Xenon1T experiment.
Jun 24, 2020
In this slightly news-y episode, we pick up on last week's
episode and talk about progress that governments have made in
enacting green economic stimulus to follow the coronavirus, as well
as the negative redistributive and climate impacts of quantiative
Jun 17, 2020
I explore the possible impact that the COVID-19 pandemic will have on our efforts to deal with climate change.
Jun 10, 2020
Hey! This is a preview of something new that we're trying out -
the Physical Attraction Book Club. We'll be discussing books at a
semi-regular intervals on the Patreon, which you can find here:
This is a preview to tease you all into being tantalised enough to
subscribe. If...
Jun 8, 2020
The first of two episodes on climate change and the coronavirus
- parallels, similarities, and differences - in which we consider
some of the similarities between "climate skeptics" and "COVID
Also, listener mail.