Aug 27, 2020
As a followup to our series on thermodynamics, the briefest of introductions to one of the most fascinating and beautiful areas of physics - Statistical Mechanics.
Aug 24, 2020
Well, I asked Twitter if they wouldn't mind more off-topic
content, and although the electorate was pretty tiny, they said
they didn't mind.
So, with that shaky endorsement in place, I'm going to spend an
hour talking about the psychology of conspiracy theories, US
politics, the Anabaptist Siege of Munster,...
Aug 20, 2020
This episode, we talk to Stewart Lansley, who co-edited the book "It's Basic Income" and has written reports on UBI in a UK context. Where is the debate on UBI in light of COVID-19?
Aug 18, 2020
In light of some of the recent furore surrounding a particular
algorithm, I thought it might be a good time to release this
episode of the show.
Two stories about the responsible use of algorithms in modern
society - one about YouTube's algorithm and another about
investigative journalism in the age of...
Aug 11, 2020
We have a guest on the show today - Professor Lewis Dartnell. Lewis is an author, presenter, and Professor of Science Communication at the University of Westminster, and has written and researched on topics as diverse as astrobiology, how to rebuild civilization after the apocalypse, and the influence of Earth's geology...