Climate 201: Project Drawdown’s Climate Solutions
Climate 201: What on Earth is a Carbon Budget?
Climate 201: What’s Driving Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Climate 201: What On Earth is a Climate Change Scenario?
Climate 201: What on Earth are Greenhouse Gases?
DESERTEC and the dream of a Solar Sahara — podcast script edition
Subprime Attention Crisis and the Timebomb at the Heart of the Internet — Interview with Tim Hwang…
UK Citizens’ Assembly on Climate
Softbank’s Blurry Vision: Parts I-VI
Interview with Lord Martin Rees — Tran
The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories in US Public Life
Direct Detection of Dark Matter
Technology, inequality, and global catastrophic risks
COVID-19 and Climate Change: Parallels
The COVID-19 Pandemic: Podcast Script
What Four-Year-Olds Can do That AI Can’t
Nuclear Fusion: The Last 20 Episodes [Podcast Scripts]
Nuclear Fusion, Episode IV: Teller’s Dream
Nuclear Fusion: The Semi-Empirical Mass Formula
Nuclear Fusion, Episodes I and II
Free Energy Scams (Episode Scripts)
The Laws of Thermodynamics [Podcast Scripts]
Interstellar, Starshot The Challenges of Interstellar Travel , the Starshot Project
Nobel Prize 2017 Edition, Podcast Transcri
Concealing a Hadron — Particle Physics
Dimensional Analysis and Units
How Can We Save The World? Existential risks, and the philosophy of the end
TEOTWAWKI Bonus: Failed Predictions
The Rise and Fall of Nectome [Podcast Transcript]
We Can Always Shoot Them Later — 2018 Podcast Transcript
Stephen Hawking, The Voice of Physics [Podcast Transcript]
TEOTWAWKI I: Nuclear Weapons
TEOTWAWKI II: Climate Change, Ecotastrophe
TEOTWAWKI Episode 3 — The Singularity (2017 Podcast Script)
TEOTWAWKI 4) Pandemics, Natural and Bioengineered (2017 Podcast Script)
TEOTWAWKI 5: Peak Oil (2017 Podcast Transcript)
TEOTWAWKI 7: Supervolcanoes (2017
TEOTWAWKI 8: Cyberwarfare (2017 Podcast Transcript)
[Only partial transcript available]
TEOTWAWKI 9: It Came From Outer Space (2017 Podcast Transcript)
TEOTWAWKI 10: Earthquakes (2017 Podcast Transcript)
Dimensional Analysis and Units
Isaac Newton (Episodes I-IV): Podcast Scripts
Fermi and Drake (2017 podcast script)
Extremely Thermonuclear Takes: Is There Life on Venus?
Progress on a post-COVID Green Stimulus: Physical Attraction Podcast Script
Technology, Inequality and Global Catastrophic Risks: Podcast Script
Will COVID-19 be a turning point on climate change?
Rutherford’s Atom — Podcast Script
Nuclear Fusion
Good Vibrations: The Simple Harmonic Oscillator