Feb 25, 2019
Hello, and welcome to this episode of Thermonuclear Takes - our
occasional bonus episodes that deal with topics in the news when
there's just TOO MUCH EXCITING STUFF out there to talk
This episode:
Feb 22, 2019
Building a nuclear fusion power plant is no easy feat. Fusion
naturally occurs in temperatures comparable to those at the heart
of the Sun - temperatures so hot as to instantly vaporise virtually
any substance on Earth.
Physical Attraction is the podcast about physics, science, and
technology. You can find further...
Feb 15, 2019
[Reupload with the actual, correct file this time - sorry!
When Teller's dream of a hydrogen, fusion bomb was eventually
realised, it was another physicist, Ulam, who really came up with
the winning design... and the first steps along the road to nuclear
fusion on Earth.
Physical Attraction is the podcast...
Feb 15, 2019
Through a contrived, almost absurd series of circumstances, I've
managed to release last week's episode again in place of this
A re-record is in order and the REAL Nuclear Fusion, Episode V will
be released hopefully this evening.
Sorry everyone!
Perils of the job.
- Thomas
Feb 7, 2019
You can get too caught up in praising the beauty of science and conflating that with praising the individual. I think we should recognise and appreciate brilliance, but stop short of hero-worship. It’s reductive. It diminishes people. It removes important parts of who they were. It can, in its worst excesses,...