Jun 1, 2018
Last episode on the Future of Work, I described the problem –
artificial intelligence is going to potentially make a lot of
people unemployed in the near-term future; and the range of
opinions, you can kind of pick and mix from:
It’s the robot job apocalypse! Society as we know it will soon be
It’s okay, we’ll just give everyone a Universal Basic Income and
they can all start small businesses or learn to code or
It’s okay, we’ll just retrain everyone so that all the coal miners
are making solar panels now.
It’s okay, AI won’t replace that many people and has been greatly
exaggerated; just because a job has the potential to be automated,
doesn’t mean that it will be automated. Instead AI will become a
tool that enhances our productivity
It’s okay, AI will replace a lot of people but we’ll just come up
with new jobs. No one is smashing spinning jennys nowadays and
there aren’t thousands of unemployed loom-weavers on the streets of
Manchester because everyone moved on, got new demands, and now they
all work in PR.
As for me – I fall in the middle of the two extreme viewpoints, the
“we’re all doomed” and “it’s fine” viewpoints. Nice and convenient,
you might say. Let me explain in a rant.
I imagine a lot of people listening are going to disagree with me.
I'm not always right! Send your *constructive* criticism to
www.physicspodcast.com ,
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If you like what you hear, or just that I took the time to say it,
consider helping me towards my own basic income via the Patreon
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You won't even need blockchain to do it.